I have been privileged to witness Angel Grant’s compassionate work, heartfelt intuition, and gentle ways with people in deep suffering. 

Gabor Maté, M.D.
Renowned Addiction and Trauma Expert, Best Selling Author, Physician


Angel Grant is one of those rare transcendent humans who lives in the invisible world – the real world of our inner lives, our struggles and deepest fears, our greatest wishes for ourselves and our connection to source. She is the kind of exceptional teacher who can take you where you need to go, because she has dared to go there herself. I am eternally grateful for her presence in my life as a friend and a guide, leading me gently back to my deepest yearnings. Her unwavering personal commitment to living fully and completely combined with her teaching methodology offers a powerful vehicle for anyone seeking self-knowledge and greater peace.

Debra Music
Co-Founder, Theo Chocolate

I'm still very much in process with Angel, but already this work is shifting and healing. I've been more honest with her than I have with anyone, which I credit to her generosity.

dream hampton
Filmmaker, Writer, Organizer from Detroit

Angel Grant never fears to tread where other souls might lose their footing in creating the emotional safety needed to do the deep work of introspection. She begins where traditional approaches leave off and brings results by working equally with head and heart. I highly recommend her as a wise and compassionate healer and guide in a space which many of us of a traditional bent might find unfamiliar and uncharted.

Pia Malaney
Principal, Möbius Economics 

In my experience of a death meditation with Angel Grant, she took 30 people through a journey of being given only hours to live, to tie up our affairs on this planet. I have no doubt that most of us changed our life course in some way as a result of Angel’s gentle power to guide, heal and awaken us to our authentic selves while there is still time to laugh and dance together with those we love. 

Eric Weinstein
Managing Director, Thiel Capital; Host of The Portal Podcast

Angel Grant is a rare and wonderful teacher, healer, and guide who brings her extraordinary life experience to her work. Angel does not shy away from the work required to live fully. I work hard to be compassionate and to live a good life full of love, adventure, and meaning. I choose teachers who find strength in compassion and who stand bravely in the light of honesty and integrity. Angel Grant is a loving and brave woman who has helped me see what is possible in this life.

Joe Whinney
Founder, Theo Chocolate

Angel Grant is a teacher, healer, and leader. With her attention on body and mind, she focuses on the integration of the two through experiential processes. I’ve attended her incredible death meditations as well as other activities at different retreats. She is an expert in holding safe space for personal transformation, and works well among groups or individuals. Angel creates community beautifully while also balancing individual time for reflection. And she dives deep to reach those profound aha moments. Ever since I’ve met her, I’ve attended her events multiple times every year. She has initiated lasting changes in my life.

Eve Blossom
Founder, WE'VE

That time I died and opened my eyes to see an angel, literally, radiant and guiding me and a room full of 100 seekers through the most precious threshold of our mortality: unforgettable. Angel Grant's guided death meditation is deeply profound and meaningful, grounded in grace. 

Amichai Lau-Lavie
Founder and Spiritual Leader, Lab/Shul NYC


The death meditation had a profound impact on me. By the end of the session, I was able to see clearly what was important to me - the ideas, the people, and the things in my life that were truly the most meaningful and important. Angel’s meditation had an amazing way of reconnecting me to those things. It helped me let go of the things that were weighing me down. I highly recommend this experience. And, Angel Grant is one of the most beautiful humans I have met in my life. Just being around her brings me peace.

Megha Desai
Director, Desai Foundation 

Sometimes in life we need a strong catalyst to invoke catharsis. Or we may simply need someone to open a door where we saw only a wall. Angel's gift is to hold you safe on journeys through unknown darkness and blinding light. I found a new vulnerability through her death meditation, and at this point of our human evolution, could this perhaps be our most valuable quality? I know I can trust Angel with my heart and soul, and grow from the exchange. In deep gratitude to this special healer.

Mira Crisp
Creative Director, getcrisp.com


I participated one of Angel’s death meditations and consider it one of the most moving and transformative experiences of my adult life. I did not expect a profound passage of self discovery while lying on a musty carpet in the damp Washington Coast, surrounded by a room full of casual acquaintances and near-strangers, but the powerful experience she brought about that day was truly revelatory and deeply, deeply moving. Since then, I have invited a number of friends and family - many with deep wounds or present stresses with which they were dealing - to participate in Angel's work, and all have thanked me for including them in what can be a powerful, healing, intense and significant spiritual experience.

Siv Prince
Principal, Herman & Wallace